This article discusses how multinational and multicontinental mitigation strategies (e.g., quarantine, shelter-in-place, shutdowns) enacted to stop the spread of the virus, have caused sudden shifts in the food environment and impacted population-wide dietary practices. It talks about how already stressed food security system, further may increase chances of food insecurity, malnutrition and obesity imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic which likely will be magnifying disparities in healthy living behaviours, giving rise to viscous cycle of complex still preventable nutrition conditions that contribute to the development of diet-related NCDs ,predisposing individuals to Covid infection.This article sees these food insecurity in the context of a global “food syndemic ” and highlights the interplay of food insecurity, malnutrition and obesity on dietary behaviours amid the COVID-19 pandemic, ie. Food Insecurity which is the Inability to access and consume foods to support individual nutrient needs. Which will cause Malnutrition and Obesity Unhealthy diet resulting from over or under consumption of nutrients which eventually increasing the vulnerability to diet-related NCDs thereby affecting immunity and unfavourable illness outcomes like increased COVID-19 cases. Also proposing opportunities for professionals and other stakeholders to address social and structural determinants of healthy eat.