Til Ladoo

State: Maharashtra

Also known as (other names): Tilgul, Ellu urundai, Ellu unde, Nuvvula undalu


Till ladoo or sesame ladoos are traditional Indian sweet balls made with sesame and jaggery. These sweet balls taste delicious with nutty aroma and are a rich source or iron and calcium. In Maharashtra people exchange tilgul on Sankranti, a Hindu festival celebrated on 14 January, which continue till Rathsaptami, till 7 days.

Due to Sesame and Jageery, this candy is healthy for human body during winter season.

Note: For the amount of ingredients required to calculate the nutritive value, the exact weight in grams is essential. In case this is not possible, using the standard cups convert the quantity into grams. Use IFCT Book, 2017
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