• Keep up fruit and vegetable intake rich in plenty of minerals and vitamins including antioxidants which help boost immunity.
  • Swap in healthy dried or canned alternatives when fresh produce is not available like (like dried beans, pulses and grains such as lentils or canned beans and chickpeas, which provide an abundance of nutrients)
  • Rolled oats cooked with milk or water can serve as an excellent breakfast option, and can be spiced up with yoghurt, chopped fruits or raisins.
  • Build up a stock of healthy snacks like nuts, cheese, yoghurt (preferably unsweetened), chopped or dried fruits, boiled eggs, or other locally available healthy options as these foods are nutritious, more filling, and help build healthy eating habits that last a lifetime rather than consuming sweets or salty snacks
  • Limit highly processed foods like ready-to-eat meals, packaged snacks and desserts are often high in saturated fat, sugars and salt.