Good nutrition is very important before, during and after an infection. Infections take a toll on the body especially when these cause fever, the body needs extra energy and nutrients.

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a lot of changes in the daily lives of people around the world. However, there are things that can be done to maintain a healthy lifestyle in these difficult times. Eat a variety of foods within each food group and across all the food groups

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume a diet rich in whole grains, nuts, and healthy fats such as in olive, sesame, peanut or other oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids
  • Continue to practice good food hygiene.
  • Drink water regularly.
  • Limit consumption of alcohol.

And don’t forget, in addition to a healthy diet, other lifestyle factors are critical part of maintaining wellbeing and a healthy immune system. A healthy lifestyle includes additional strategies such as:

  • not smoking;
  • exercising regularly;
  • getting adequate sleep; and,
  • minimizing and coping with stress.