This document talks about how covid 19 has impacted the world causing a lot of changes in the daily lives of people. It comprises of recommendations that can be followed to maintain a healthy lifestyle in these difficult times.It talks about importance of good nutrition before during and after an infection as infections take a toll on the body especially when these cause fever, the body needs extra energy and nutrients and that maintaining a healthy diet is an important part of supporting a strong immune system.It includes recommendations like-Eating variety of foods within each food group and across all the food groups like plenty of fruits and vegetables,Consuming a diet rich in whole grains, nuts, oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids and enough water, Watching intakes of fats, sugar, and salt, practicing good food hygiene, Limiting alcohol consumption. It also suggests required buying to reduce food wastage and using this time together to start children on the road to lifelong habits supporting a healthy diet. In addition discussed other lifestyle factors for maintaining wellbeing like not smoking; exercising regularly; • getting adequate sleep; • coping with stress.