The paper discussed about the causes of Tuberculosis in India and how it is linked with the poverty and largely contributed by under nutrition. as covid-19 of esponse related lockdown has resulted in an economic crisis which may double levels of poverty , has exacerbated food insecurity , disrupted TB services .A Systemic review has shown that a 14 % increase in Tb incidence can occur per unit decrease in body mass index across the BMI range of 18.5-30 kg/m2. they believed that a one unit decrease in BMI may result in the poor in india as a result of lockdown and its aftermath.disadvantaged social groups and those living in states with higher levels of poverty , under nutrition and migrant workers are greater at risk . TB services should be resumed immediately with enhanced efforts at case including active case finding. To prevent deaths among Tb detectd within the national TB programme , systemic identification , referral and management of severe disease at notification should be consider.