L. Susmitha Reddy

NI Intern

I am L. Susmitha Reddy, currently pursuing a master’s in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from St.Ann’s College for Women, Hyderabad. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics along with core subjects Botany and Chemistry. I am keen to acquire knowledge and the skills required to progress in the field of Public Health. My areas of interest are Geriatric Nutrition and Diabetes Prevention and treatment.


Working as an intern with FHTS was a great opportunity, wherein I was able to explore myself in the field of public health nutrition,
I was able to learn nutrition more in a technical aspect
Working as an intern I was able to understand how online apps related to nutrition can be evaluated and be used
I am happy that I could reach all my aims and goals which i expected
Thank you FHTS team for giving me this wonderful opportunity