Sowmya Rumandla

NI Intern

I am Sowmya Rumandla, Currently Pursuing a Master’s in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from St Ann’s College for Women Hyderabad. I am passionate in the field of Nutrition and Healthcare. I am a food and cooking enthusiast so my interest lies in formulating and developing nutritious products that are economically viable. This is my first experience with a virtual internship. I hope to gain insightful knowledge and practical exposure in public health. I am willing to contribute my skills to the FHTS organization.


The virtual internship program from Foundation of Healthcare Technologies Society, is one of the enriching online internship opportunities in India. The focus on the internship program was to enhance the communication skills, content writing skills data collection and data management skills. Organization is working on various projects with collaboration with ICMR and have very active and supportive team. Therefore, I got an opportunity to work on m-health applications available in the Google play store. Since there were very organizations that were offering virtual internship program, FHTS helped me a lot to gain a totally new experience through virtual internship during this pandemic.