The role of Pharmacogenomics in Nutrition Informatics

By Pooja Murjani Sofia Rani Saggu|2024-06-27T11:27:28+05:30April 29, 2023|Other|

Pharmacogenomics Human genetics is a fast-expanding area of study. Pharmacogenomics is the study of the genetic components that affect how an individual will react to a certain substance. The phrase, which is a combination of the terms "pharmacology" and "genomics," refers to the intersection of genetics and drugs. Pharmacogenomics aims to customize a patient's therapy. Pharmacogenomics is making it possible to determine a person's genetic makeup and use that knowledge

The benefits of using machine learning in nutrition research and analysis

By Pooja Murjani Sofia Rani Saggu|2024-06-27T11:27:22+05:30April 15, 2023|Other|

Introduction As the field of nutrition advances, the data it produces is becoming more intricate and multifaceted, necessitating novel methods for analysis. Malnutrition is the root cause of an increasing number of chronic illnesses that have multiple causes, leading to the generation of intricate data sets. However, with recent advances in technology and coding, Machine Learning (ML), a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI), can be a valuable tool for tackling

The Benefits of Using Mobile Apps for Tracking Nutrition

By Pooja Murjani Sofia Rani Saggu|2024-06-27T11:27:17+05:30March 28, 2023|Other|

Introduction Nutrition tracking apps are becoming increasingly popular as people become more conscious of their health and wellness. These apps allow users to track their food intake, monitor their macronutrient and micronutrient intake, and set goals for weight loss, muscle gain, or other health-related objectives. The popularity of nutrition-tracking apps has been driven by their convenience, ease of use, and ability to provide personalised feedback and recommendations (Duffey & Popkin,

Role of Nutrition Informatics in Enhancing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Nutrition Workforce

By Pooja Murjani Sofia Rani Saggu|2024-06-27T11:27:12+05:30March 15, 2023|Other|

Nutrition Informatics Nutrition and Informatics - are two primarily important terms that have started to come into use together for quite a long time since their integration is yielding great results. Nutrition Informatics is the effective retrieval, organization, storage, and optimum use of information, data and knowledge for food-and-nutrition-related problem-solving and decision-making. The incorporation of technology-driven behaviour changes in the field of nutrition is growing a lot more now. (1)

Intersection between Nutrition Security and Behaviour Health & Wellness

By Pooja Murjani Sofia Rani Saggu|2024-06-27T11:27:09+05:30February 21, 2023|Other|

Nutrition security is one of the leading nutrition and health concerns in India. There is an increasing need to understand that nutrition at the individual and population levels depends on a lot of internal and external factors. Environment, nutrition, water availability, disease, and social and political circumstances are just a few of the factors that influence a population's health 1. The United Nations Committee on World Food Security defines food

Digital Innovation and Food Security

By Pooja Murjani Sofia Rani Saggu|2024-06-27T11:27:02+05:30February 15, 2023|Other|

DIGITAL INNOVATIONS The combination of two words, "digital" and "innovations," is significant and meaningful in and of itself. When you combine them, you get a heavier phrase, which in today's era and generation is a dominant factor in almost every area and field. (1) When we talk about healthcare, digital technologies have shown evidence that they have a lot of potentials to produce successful results with respect to medical diagnosis,

Nutrition Informatics From The Lens of Public Health

By Pooja Murjani|2024-06-27T11:26:57+05:30January 29, 2023|Other|

Nutrition informatics is the integration of nutrition and information technology, which involves the collection, organization, analysis, and use of dietary data. It involves using technical processes for the collection of large data sets, which will help in future policymaking 1. The field of nutrition informatics includes useful tools that aid in elucidating the connections between diet and disease as they relate to socioeconomic and agricultural changes on all scales.1 Nutrition

Impact of Technology on Nutrition and Health

By Pooja Murjani|2024-06-27T11:26:51+05:30January 25, 2023|Other|

Introduction Health is a vast umbrella term that has various branches. Health should be defined and viewed as a comprehensive development that includes both physical and mental health. According to the WHO, health can be defined as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." (1) Considering this practical concept of health, one should constantly and diligently work towards maintaining

Abdominal Fat and Health Risks

By Bhavya Malhotra|2024-06-27T11:26:46+05:30January 1, 2023|Other|

One of the most significant cardiovascular risk factors is obesity, particularly central obesity. Abdominal fat comprises abdominal subcutaneous and intra-abdominal (visceral) fat. In addition to an alarming rise in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus, chronic renal disease, and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), there is an epidemic of obesity and obesity-related cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which reduces life expectancy and adds to the health and societal burden globally. Numerous cardiometabolic disorders, such

What is Nutrition Labelling

By Harpreet Kaur Mansi Gupta|2024-06-27T11:26:40+05:30November 28, 2022|Other|

FAO (The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) specifies food label as “any tag, brand, mark, pictorial or other descriptive matter, written, printed, stencilled, marked, embossed or impressed on, or attached to, a container of food or food product”. This informs the consumer about ingredients, quality and nutrition value of the food item (1). As per the population-based approach, Nutrition Labelling provides information to the consumer about the

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