Nutrition , Immunity and viral infections

By |2021-11-07T14:01:19+05:30September 30, 2021|

The article discussed about how viral infections is affecting the humankind adversly . they are talking about the Nutrition immunology who are working actively , contributing to the prevention of COVID-19 .it basically deals with nutrition , immunity and infections. scientists have gained insight into cellular and microbial interactions of nutrition and microorganisms with the immune system and this information is helping in developing practical applications which helping in improving

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Mini-Review on the Roles of Vitamin C , Vitamin D and selenium in the immune system against COVID-19

By |2021-11-07T14:01:20+05:30September 30, 2021|

The article discussed about that how low levels of miconutrient cause viral infections and show averse cliniccal outcomes .To maximize the nutritional defense against infections , a daily allowance of vitamins and trace elements for malnourished patients at risk or diadnosed with COVID-19 must be beneficial. recent studies have shown that vitamin D and selenium defencies are evident in patients with acute respiratory tract infections . vitamin D helps and

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Nutrition Behaviours in polish Adults before and during COVID-19 Lockdown

By |2021-11-07T14:01:20+05:30September 30, 2021|

The study aimed to asscess the influence of lockdown on selected eating habits of polish adults . questionnaire was conducted anonymously including questions about eatiing habits and self reported anthropometric measurements which includes 'before' and 'After' lockdown measurements. there were 312 adults from age between 13-41 years . 64.1%(women) , 77.7%(urban inhabitants) , 77.6%(employed). 51.6%(who do not eat outside) . The studies indicates that no of meals during day time

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COVID-19 in diabetic patients :Related risks and specifics of management.

By |2021-11-07T14:01:21+05:30September 30, 2021|

The study discusses about Diabetes is among the most frequently reported comorbidities in patients infected with COVID-19. The characterstics of diabetic patients are at risk for developing severe and crtical forms of COVID-19 as well as prognostic impact of diabetes on the course of COVID-19. are under current investigation. obesity which is the main risk factor for incident type-2 diabetes , it is most common in patients requiring invasive mechaical

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The potential impact of COVID-19 response related lockdown n TB incidence and mortality in INDIA.

By |2021-11-07T14:01:21+05:30September 30, 2021|

The paper discussed about the causes of Tuberculosis in India and how it is linked with the poverty and largely contributed by under nutrition. as covid-19 of esponse related lockdown has resulted in an economic crisis which may double levels of poverty , has exacerbated food insecurity , disrupted TB services .A Systemic review has shown that a 14 % increase in Tb incidence can occur per unit decrease in

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Unraveling the roles of vitamin D status and melanin during Covid‑19 (Review)

By |2021-11-07T14:01:22+05:30September 30, 2021|

The paper discussed vitamin D status and melanin polymers, possibly related to clinical outcomes of COVID-19. Vitamin D may turn into an effective adjuvant to mitigate the impact of the current pandemic, especially in populations where hypovitaminosis D is prevalent. Although several factors may account for the disparity, striking differences in mortality rates within and between populations indicate that ethnicity might impact COVID-19 clinical outcomes, reflecting the 'color of disease'.

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Obesity, malnutrition, and trace element deficiency in the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic: An overview

By |2021-11-07T14:01:22+05:30September 30, 2021|

The aim of this study was to review the current data on the relevance of nutritional status, including trace elements and vitamin status, in influencing the course and outcome of the disease 3 mo after the World Health Organization's declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic. Derangements in nutritional status, both for obesity and malnutrition, are relevant for the clinical outcome in acute illness. Systemic inflammation, immune system impairment, sarcopenia, and

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