Hafsa Fatima

NI Intern

My name is Hafsa Fatima. I am pursuing my Master’s in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from St. Ann’s Women’s college, Osmania University, Hyderabad. My area of interest is in Community Nutrition and Geriatrics, focusing mainly on providing Diabetes Patient Education and Renal Diseases in the geriatric age group.
I am interested more in practicing in clinical settings and also volunteering in community-based projects. I read in my free time, try out new fusions with food, and experimenting kitchen gardening.


It was a great experience to work with FHTS. This internship has given me a platform to develop my soft skills, writing skills and also a different level of exposure to the real corporate world. It helped me to enhance my research paper reading and writing skills. It helped me how to find gap in research. It helped me to enhance my analysis skills.